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†IDS† exists roughly since 2006 . It came to life by an idea of two people . Bull the great and Vasago . Since both had enough experience and great will , followed by great enthusiasm , it wasn't hard to start well . With bull and vasago as a backbone , a great clan was soon formed . Name Inferno Dragon Snipers matched perfectly . It started small, like any other , but soon , our game was showing it all , and won matches were building us stronger and stronger . And always , a great importance was put on a clean game . Clean in a way that cheat , glitch and bug using players were never overlooked , but dealt with hard and swiftly.Our biggest wish is to have fun, meet new players, enjoy the game in its pure form and to keep IDS on a good record.

Being an IDS member

What does being an †IDS† means ? It means the member must be direct representative of clan , and needles to say , present it in best possible way .Apart from clan founders , first members were Lunatic and Miss Dragon . That's when †IDS† formed a minimum of 4 man team . And as time was passing , new members were coming in . And with tight management and discipline every member in this clan must feel strong feeling of belonging and being a part of a strong sniper team . What is always being asked from both potential and current members is act of devotion , discipline and certain manners . †IDS† is not just a gaming clan but family like environment . So a great importance is put on every members personality and understanding .


What †IDS† is always trying , is to make a furious game . And game settings are trying to mimic that . A most important part is the explanation behind the 400 power . As always , we don't make any other powers less important , but for the game that is all fast tempo , little room for error , speed , precision , cunningness and other , power 400 does the perfect job . As in real life , our power is there to kill , not hurt . No man walks away from 7.62 caliber like it never happened . Since Sniper Elite has no advanced damage system , characters behave same after every shot shot unless it it is a headshot, and it would be good if they would be slowed down at least , but nothing as such . That's why there is power 400 .One shot , one kill . No med kits . After you get shot you can only re-spawn and seek your vengence . All is done swiftly and without much questions . A hard battle , the dragons battleground . So as the conclusion , †IDS† considers the game should be played fast , only way to improve the reflexes and to handle well under the pressure .


Every game has it's own rules, and every clan has their specific guideliness. IDS is no exception. Most important rule would be not to cheat, that is the lowest form of an online player where in selfish way someone decided for his own fun destroy the fun for others and ultimately, disrespect the game itself. Second would be rude players, we now competition brings egos and words fly away, we all get out blood boiling, we are human after all, but there are always some borders which should not be crossed. insults and any way of bad behaviour towards other player will not be welcome .And of course , if you notice some IDS member behave bad in any way or you feel there is something to report, do contact the clan leader first. Any evidence and detailed explanation of an event would be helpful and welcome .Our rules apply for our clan players as well . Common sense is best rule .

Game Type

Our games tend to always be open, fast. Although few games of no cross or power 10 can sometimes be good to break the routine, IDS mainly plays power 400, full map , without any restrictions like no dance, full head etc. We don't want to impose too many rules on our guests or some specific guideliness because our servers are those you simply jump into and play however you know without feeling scared that you may have broken some rule.And of course , the gravity is there because this game without gravity should not be called a sniper game any more.

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